The Process Training Group for therapists, psychiatric nurses and mental health workers meets online weekly on Thursdays, 3:30-5:00PM ET. This group is ideal for professionals interested in learning more about process groups and who desire professional and personal growth. The group size is limited to a maximum of 10 members.
The objective of this group is to enhance each member’s knowledge of group process, group dynamics and the power of groups, as well as to learn more about oneself as a member of a group. There are didactic discussions periodically. This is a training group, not a therapy group. My focus as facilitator is on the here & now unless members bring in historical material.
Agreement (Contract):
Participants will:
o Attend all sessions with camera on and remain for the entire session
o Put feelings into words rather than actions
o Be aware of timing issues using the Zoom format
o When choosing to speak, share openly & honestly
o Protect the confidentiality of others
I will do my best to:
o Maintain the boundary of the group
o Create an atmosphere in which it feels safe enough for members to share and/or hold discomfort
o Recognize and work with microaggressions to help members feel safer
o Keep the process of the group on a productive track
o Translate aspects of the experience to make them more understandable
o Attend to underlying themes in the group and highlight them when useful
o Help each member make sense of the experience
Here are the details: